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RISK FREE INTRODUCTION: StartEd Research and Efficacy Program

Have a great product but have no idea why it’s not clicking with your audience? Join this introduction to the StartEd Research and Efficacy Program - a combination of masterclasses and one-to-one mentoring, led by Educate Ventures. In addition to developing your own Visual Logic Model, you’ll learn the importance of understanding evidence-informed practice development as well as the role of research in EdTech and different types of evidence relevant to EdTech enterprises, theory of change framework, and how to identify relevant research ideas and develop an appropriate research question your business.

The introductory session is designed to help you get familiar with the StartEd Research + Efficacy Program that will help you form a peer group of EdTech CEOs and enhance your company’s product on an ongoing basis.

Session Outlines (times to follow):

Tues, April 19:

Introduction to the Research and Efficacy program, followed by a Getting to Know You mentoring session.

Wed, April 20 and Thurs, April 21:

Research Training Workshops 1 and 2 that will cover:

  • Introduction to evidence in EdTech

  • Theory of change and developing your logic model

  • Developing your research ideas and questions

Fri, April 23:

What's Next - a session that provides an opportunity for the participants to reflect on their current stage of development and to introduce the following steps in further development of their companies’ research mindset, followed by individual mentoring sessions that provide support for your team in developing evidence-informed practices and discussion of next steps.

If you decide to enroll in the full StartEd Research and Efficacy Program all Intro fees can be used against program tuition. If it’s not for you, get a full refund.

About the Speakers:

Dr. Becky Sage is the Director of Acceleration at Educate Ventures, a research accelerator training entrepreneurs in the development of world-class EdTech interventions.

Dr. Ekaterina Cooper is the Deputy Director at Educate Ventures, a research accelerator training entrepreneurs in the development of world-class EdTech interventions.

Noa Sher is a Research Mentor at Educate Ventures, a research accelerator training entrepreneurs in the development of world-class EdTech interventions.

Lula Strathearn Brady is an Administrator at Educate Ventures, a research accelerator training entrepreneurs in the development of world-class EdTech interventions.